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The Power That’s In The Word Of God

Joyce Meyer (1)

Joyce: I asked you to come and talk with me today about the power that’s in the word of God because I know that you really believe in the word of god and you have experienced the power of God’s word in your own life. So, I’d just like to start by reading this scripture. It says: (Josh 1:8) the book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. So, why is it that meditating on the word of God can cause us to be successful?

Pastor Bob: well, it’s kind of like power drinks. It’s like power food; whatever you take into your body, it becomes part of your body. The word of God not only contains power, it is power. In fact, God said that the gospel is the power of God onto salvation. So when you begin to meditate on it, it actually becomes a part of your inward man. It becomes a part of your spirit being and brings you spiritual strength. We’re always looking for physical strength and trying to increase our bodies here on this earth, but God has a way that you can increase your spiritual life and that’s done by the word of God.  Really, Joshua hit it on the head when he talked about meditating on the word of God. This concept is found throughout the word of god that when you take it and think about it all day long, it just keeps bringing strength to you and strength to you and strength to you.

Joyce: my life was quite a mess when I got into a really serious relationship with God. I always use that word “serious” because actually I was a Christian a long time before I got serious about it. At that time I really began to study the word of god. It was through studying the word of god that my mind was renewed, I learned how to think differently, and then the problems that I had in my life one-by-one began to change. The bible teaches us that as we stay in the word of god, we are transformed into his image from glory to glory to glory. What about the renewing of the mind? Why is it so important that we learn how to think right?

© Copyright 2013 admin, All rights Reserved. Written For: Joyce Meyer

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