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In The Name Of The Lord Jesus Christ

Joyce Meyer (19)

Ginger Stache: this is something that we take for granted but here in India and in many parts of the world, water is a very precious commodity. In fact, because of contaminated water, thousands of people die every day. Many of the illnesses here are actually caused by contaminated water and people, especially children, are suffering from dysentery, dehydration, cholera and many, many other problems. They must seek clean water daily for survival and nearly 500,000 children under the age of five will die from diarrhea this year. Joyce Meyer ministry partners are revitalizing villages with the wells of life project, providing not just a fresh water well but also building a church

Man all of us are partners of Joyce Meyer ministries that are here have the privilege to be with you and we greet you in the name of the lord Jesus Christ

Ginger: Over 200 have been planted so far with more in the works like this one in Balapur, India. God, we thank you so much for the opportunity to be here today and we ask your blessing on this land and on this well and the water. We claim that this will be a place where people will come to be blessed and will come to know you, so father, we pray that flowing from this well will be water that is clean and pure and safe for this area and the people. Seventy percent of people in India’s villages have no access to basic sanitation facilities. They must seek clean water daily for survival, but because of you, the partners of Joyce Meyer ministries, the people that you see behind me — the women and the children and the families in this area have safe, clean drinking water. They can use it for cooking.

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