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Gifts from God by Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer mean, do you really think that somebody can tell you what’s going to happen in your future because you have a few more crinkles in your hand than somebody else? See, that proves that people are desperate for the supernatural. Do you know why? Because there is a God-shaped hole on the inside of everyone of us and until God fills it, we are going to be looking for it to be filled in some other way! You better believe if we’re looking in the wrong places, the devil has got people ready to deceive us. I believe those people originally had gifts from God that they just didn’t use in the kingdom; they turned them to the enemy and that’s your choice.

Every person watching by television, it’s your choice. What are you going to do with the gifts and the talents that you have? Are you going to keep serving the enemy with them, are you going to just keep blessing the world with them, or are you going to do something to bring them into the kingdom of God and just be a blessing wherever you’re at? When our gifts are used for God, God gets the glory. When God called Moses, Moses kept saying: I can’t do it, you have the wrong man, I’m slow in speech, I’m not eloquent, you have the wrong guy, they aren’t going to believe me. God said to him: what do you have in your hand? He said: a rod.

Joyce Meyer Ministries states here’s a way we can take that scripture to the next level: he told Moses to throw it down, then he picked it up and it was full of the power of God. In Moses’ case, it looks like he threw it down and picked it right back up again but in many instances, you may have a gift that God has given you but you’ve been using it all the wrong ways and God will deal with you to throw that gift down or to lay that aside and he intends to let you pick it back up again, only this time full of his power, but he has to do something in you before he can do something through you.

So just because you’ve got a great voice, that doesn’t mean you need to go to a new church and insist that you become part of the worship team or the worship leader because maybe God didn’t send you there to exercise your gift week one. Maybe he wants you to sit somewhere and just get a whole lot of pride out of you and get a better attitude, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and not be full of yourself all the time. Maybe there is a little bit of performance in you and God wants to knock that out so everything that you do is done for his glory.

Joyce Meyer Online – And if they’ll be bold enough to live the life that they’re supposed to live and walk through the open doors I give them, many more people could come to know Jesus Christ.

© Copyright 2011 admin, All rights Reserved. Written For: Joyce Meyer

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