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The Depth Of The Relationship

Joyce Meyer (19)

Pastor Billy Joe: The depth of the relationship that a person has with Jesus will determine the authority level that they walk in; and that’s what you’re saying.  A lot of people say there’s little authority when they use the name of Jesus but it’s related to their relationship with him.

Joyce: Jesus said, “apart from me, you can do nothing.” we need to get that through our often thick heads that the name of Jesus is not a little magic charm that I get to tack on to the end of all my prayers; it has to have meaning in my life and I have to live in honor of that name. I think something that’s valuable — I know I do this frequently — is just driving down the road or walking around in your house and just stop for a minute and say, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.” there’s power in that name. I believe that even for our viewers today, i actually believe that if some of them would just begin to do that… Just take a little pause break several times a day and just say, “Jesus.”

Pastor Billy Joe: His name is above every name. And in a household, let’s say a housewife is sitting there and there’s agony in the home, there’s strife, there’s fighting, there’s fear and she begins to say, “in the name of Jesus, I release the peace of god over my son, over my daughter, over my husband.” even when they’re not present, the authority of that name is extended in the realm that we decree it over and we begin to say, “Jesus is Lord over this apartment, over this dorm room, over this trailer,” — wherever a person is. And it’s time for us, as we’re talking about this, I believe to become very practical in it. When people are needing finances: lord, in the name of Jesus, I pray for a better job. Release my faith for health in my body to do my job effectively.

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The Presence Of God

Joyce Meyer (8)

Pastor Mike: I still don’t know what was the matter with me, but it doesn’t make any difference.

Pastor Billy Joe: Joyce, I feel it right now. May I speak into someone this moment? In the name of Jesus, I speak healing into your life. I speak peace into your mind. I speak calm into your soul. I speak strength into you. In your family, in the name of Jesus, we decree love and harmony come. Now you begin to say the name. There’s no other name by which we can be saved but the name of Jesus. Why not call on his name right now and just say, “Jesus, save me. I receive your forgiveness. I receive your spirit.” now call on his name and say, “in the name of Jesus,” and whatever is tormenting or bothering or oppressing you or your family, tell it to go right now. You have that authority now as a believer in Jesus Christ.

Joyce: Well, I tell you, I can feel the presence of God right now, and I mean that sincerely. I really believe for those of you watching us right now at home or work, wherever you are, I don’t want you to take this lightly today because some powerful prayers have been prayed over you. But you need to release your faith also. It’s not just about what kind of faith we have for you but you need to also have faith and believe that there’s power in the name of Jesus. So, we’re offering some teaching today that I believe would be very valuable to you. It’s my new series titled “armed and dangerous.” it’s all about spiritual warfare and how you can defeat the enemy. And a book that I wrote actually several years ago, but it’s called “the word, the name and the blood.” I remember when god put it on my heart to write that book, he said, “people need to keep their faith fresh in the power that’s in the word, the name and the blood.” so, I think that this is a book that you could keep even along with your bible, and you can read a little bit of this every day in your time with god, even if it’s just a page, and it will keep you fresh in these simple yet powerful principles that there’s power in the name, power in the word, and power in the blood of Jesus. Then also today we’d like to give you a free gift when you order today’s resource package.

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Power Thoughts

Joyce Meyer (22)

Joyce: All of us tend to make excuses for why we can’t do things, like “it’s too hard” or “I don’t know how” or “I have nobody to help me” but today we’re gonna learn that we really need to throw away our excuses and begin to do what God is telling us to do. (music)

What in the world does it mean to be more than a conqueror? I mean, a conqueror I get, but how can you be more than a conqueror?  I’ve thought about that for a lot of years and this is what I feel god has put on my heart; I’m not saying that nobody could expand on it. I think to be more than a conqueror means that you have such confidence that no matter what comes up in your life, that through Christ you can handle it, that you know before you ever get a problem that you’re going to have the victory. So therefore, you don’t dread things, you don’t fear things, you don’t fear the unknown, you don’t live in anxiety about what’s going to happen in situations because you already have that foundational knowing on the inside of you; it doesn’t really matter what it is. Through Christ I’m ready for anything, I’m equal to anything, through him who infuses inner strength into me. Now I am telling you that if you will begin to think that power thought several times a day — even before you get up in the morning, lie in bed and just let it roll over and over in your mind: whatever I need to do today, I can do it. I don’t know what’s going to come up in my day today, but whatever it is I’m ready for it. I don’t even need to know the answer because I’ve got the one who knows everything that I will need to know. Go to Judges, chapter 6.

I have to tell you this story. I’ve told it a couple of times but I still think it’s so hilarious. About two months after I first started working out, I was sitting on a boat. We were riding out in the water and I scratched the back of my leg and I felt a lump. I thought: oh, is that a growth? I’m telling you the truth.

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The Holy Spirit

Joyce Meyer (8)

I didn’t even know that this was in the bible, so I know God spoke this to my heart. I said, “god, what is this? I’ve lived with this all of my life.  What is this?” the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “evil forebodings.” evil forebodings. Then later — I don’t remember how long after that it was — I came across proverbs 15:15. Look at this.  It says: all the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil [by anxious thoughts and forebodings], but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast [regardless of circumstances]. Our joy really doesn’t come from our circumstances, like the devil would like us to think.

Even when the devil messes with your stuff — your car breaks down, this, that, something else — he’s really not after your stuff. He doesn’t care about that stuff. What he wants is your joy, so he uses the loss of stuff to get your joy because when you have no joy, you have no strength. And there’s nothing the devil likes better than to see a born-again, spirit-filled believer walking around in life with their arms hanging down, their shoulders down, and their head hanging down, being negative and critical and not showing anybody anything that they would want.

So it’s imperative that we maintain a high level of joy and enthusiasm and passion for life. I am so tired of watching people just go through the motions, go through the motions, go through the motions. I dare you to live with purpose and passion.

Passion is zeal and enthusiasm. We need to face every day excited. No matter what’s going on in our life, we need to wake up and think, “I believe that something good is going to happen to me today.” you say, “what if it doesn’t?” then believe it the next day. “well, what if it doesn’t happen that day?” then believe it the next day. And you need to make an announcement to the devil, and this is what it needs to be: “devil, I will outlast you.” (cheering/applause)

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God Works Through People

Joyce Meyer (19)

I quickly felt the other one and I thought, “oh, I’ve got one there, too!” (laughing) and then I thought, “it’s a muscle!  I’ve got a muscle!” (applause) oh, i got excited! I called five people and told them, “I have a muscle!” (laughing) it’s kind of nice when that part of your arm quits swinging in the wind. Well, you guys know me; I can’t do anything without telling the whole world. Praise the lord. Judges, chapter 6, beginning in verse 12. A little bit of background: the Israelites had done evil in the sight of the lord. God had allowed the midianites to capture them and they’d been living in captivity for seven years being cruelly treated. God, because he is merciful, was now wanting to deliver them. As always, he looks for a person to work through. Now god is sovereign and he can do anything he wants to, any time he wants to, but he uses people; god works through people.

Even what we call miracles, very often it’s god working through someone to meet someone else’s need. Now, obviously, there are healing miracles and things like that that people have nothing to do with but I’m just trying to make a point that very often god works through a person. So he found Gideon. And in verse 12, this is the way the angel of the lord approached Gideon and this is what he said to him: and the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, the lord is with you, you mighty man of [fearless] courage.  And Gideon said to him, (Joyce whining) o sir, if the lord is with us, why is all this befallen us?… I can just hear him sounding like this… And where are all his wondrous works that we’ve heard about? Did not the lord bring us up from Egypt?  But now the Lord has forsaken us and given us into the hand of midian. So god says, “the lord is with you, you mighty man of fearless courage.” and he begins to rehearse all of his problems. Verse 14:  the lord turned to him and said, go in this your might, and you shall save Israel from the hand of midian. Have I not sent you? Verse 15:  Gideon said to him, oh Lord, how can I deliver Israel? Behold, my clan is the poorest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house. “I can’t do that, Lord. I’ve got too many problems. I mean, have you not noticed, Lord, my age, and my learning disability, and I don’t have anybody to help me.” (laughing)

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The Victory in My Life

Joyce Meyer (8)

Kerwinn Williams: Ginger was saying before, though, a lot of people don’t have confidence in the love of God; they have a feeling of it, they have an idea of it but they’re not confident in it. They don’t think that he loves me like daddy, so they get a real wall built up between them and they don’t get that joy of just knowing him helping you get a deal that just comes up out of the blue, like: great! Or here’s your penny. Here’s your parking place. You talk about something that sounds so small but reality is Christmastime at Wal-mart, you’re thrilled when you get a parking place! So, I just think that those kinds of things people miss because they aren’t confident in what he says about his love for us.

Joyce: Conscious and aware of the love of God. That is so awesome!

Michael Shaw: We have to remember that he is father, that he’s our daddy and he cares about us more than anyone else can even come close to caring.

Mike Shepard: You know something I’ve prayed for about the last 15 years of my life is in Ephesians 3:17-19 and you alluded to it, is I want to have an experience with the unconditional love from God. There’s even a scripture in Song of Solomon that says he’s ravished with us and that word “ravished” means that God is captivated with emotional delight at my extraordinary beauty. I don’t necessarily feel extraordinarily beautiful every day at all, but that’s the way God sees me. It’s unconditional. Even in my weakness, he sees me extraordinarily beautiful and it captivates his heart. It even says in Song of Solomon and I love this, that the banner over us is love. That word “banner” is a military term. The victory in my life. How do I get victory in my life? Flying the flag of the realization that God likes me, he enjoys me and that brings breakthrough and victory in everyday affairs of life.

Joyce Meyer Online – Fulfilling your destiny is worth it. Amen? Amen!: If I want to lose weight, then I have to discipline myself not to eat dessert every day or to drink 4-5-6 soda pops a day.

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Power to love. Power to hate. Power to inspire

Joyce Meyer (3)

Right now in my own private prayer and fellowship time with God, I’m reading a book on the power of words. I believe that our thoughts and our words are two of the most important things in our life. If you want to have God’s good plan for you, then you have to learn how to bring your mouth into agreement with what his word says and it may be easy to talk right when your circumstances are good, but the real test comes when you’re going through difficulties. We want you to have this so much that we’re going to offer it for a gift of any amount. When you send donations to the ministry or you purchase resources, it really helps us to continue preaching the gospel all over the world. There are many different ways that God supports us — through partnership, through different outreaches — but this is one of the ways that you can be a real blessing to us and I believe if we’ve been sowing into your life the word of God, then you need to reach back and help us continue doing what god has called us to do and in the process, you can get a blessing for yourself that’s going to help you live even a better more fruitful life. My announcer is going to give you all the information you need to take advantage of this offer and if you stay with me, I’m going to have a little closing word about the importance of trusting God.

Announcer: Words have awesome power. Power to love. Power to hate. Power to inspire. And power to destroy. Change your words – change your world. The fact is very few things impact us more than the words we speak, that’s why Joyce has developed this 4-part teaching: “Me & my big mouth!” It’s specifically designed to help you harness the awesome power of your words and change the course of your future. Request your copy of “me & my big mouth!”

Joyce Meyer Ministries – Do you think that I just always get to get up and do what I want to? No, there have been lots of times in my life when everybody else has been out having a good time and I’ve had to stay home and study, but it’s worth it.

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Lord God Almighty

Joyce Meyer (22)

I don’t know why somebody would get mad at you for telling people to confess good things over their life and future and their family. I’ll tell you why: Because when that spirit of “religion” gets involved, it only has one way to do everything and that’s their way. Maybe you’ve never heard anything like this. Well, don’t just believe me; check it out in the bible.

God calls those things that be not as if they already existed. Go to Ezekiel 37. vs. 1: The hand of the Lord was upon me and he brought me out in the spirit and set me down in the midst of the valley and it was full of bones. Sometimes we look around and that’s all we feel like we see is just one mess after another mess after another mess. We’re in debt. The kids are a mess. The marriage is a mess. The house is a mess. My body’s a mess. You can look around and just go: Lord God Almighty, whew! Can these bones live? Is there any hope for this? You may think: Man, I came here with so many problems tonight, don’t be telling me that just speaking positive is going to change it. Well… vs. 2: The spirit caused me to pass round about among these bones and behold, there were very many human bones in the valley and they were very dry.

There weren’t just dry bones, there were many bones and they were very dry. vs. 3: And he said to me, son of man, can these bones live? Can these problems be solved? Can this mess be changed? Can I have a good life? Can I prosper? Can I be healthy? Can I succeed? Can my kids serve you? Can this marriage be restored? Oh, I love this! Verse 4: And he said to me, – uh-oh! – Prophesy to these bones. The word “prophesy” means to speak forth; it means to open your mouth and say something. vs. 4: And say to them, o you dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.

Joyce Meyer – Do you think that I have the privilege of standing here today bringing the word of God to you and being on television all over the world and I’ve never had any discipline?

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The Blood of Jesus

Joyce Meyer (2)

R.T. Kendall: You’ve had exactly the same problem that I’ve had. My problem as strange as this may seem, was to realize totally forgiving myself is what God wanted me to do. That was for me the big hurdle. People ask, “how do you do it?” Well, maybe not all would fit into my shoes but for me, for me to see this is what God wants of me, because I felt guilty in accepting this. I don’t deserve this. How dare I in one stroke just let myself off the hook? Then I realized, “but R.T., this is what God wants you to do.” And when I saw that, I was free! I was free!

Joyce: Yes. I’ll never forget a friend of mine. She and I were pretty close and we spent a lot of time together back in the 70’s when we first got into a real serious relationship with God. We went to a lot of meetings and were in a lot of prayer lines, requesting prayer. One night she and I went up to the altar to get prayer from the pastor, as well as a lot of other people, and the pastor — the man speaking — looked at her and he said, “what’s your problem?” she said, “I hate myself.” He said, “you hate yourself.” She said, “yes, I hate myself.” He backed up and looked at her and said, “who do you think you are?” She was like… Expecting pity and here he is correcting her. He said, “who do you think you are? If God loved you so much that he sent his only son to die for you, then who are you to hate yourself?” I thought that was a really good approach to that. It’s like God paid a tremendous price for us to be able to live free from self-hatred and unforgiveness toward ourselves, and all he’s asking us to do is just receive it.

R.T. Kendall: The blood of Jesus does basically two things. There are two theological words: Expiation — that is what the blood does for us, washes away our sins; propitiation — that’s what the blood does for God. And when we realize what the blood does for God, how dare we think that we can somehow atone for what we’ve done wrong. When I saw this, I was absolutely set free knowing that God wants us to do it. And by the way, hating yourself is funny enough a form of self-love. People don’t realize that. They think, “oh, well, I don’t deserve anything.” But it’s self-love that causes that.

Joyce Meyer Online – Discipline is what we must have to make us do the things we should do in order to have the things we say we want to have.


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Love Of The Lord

Joyce Meyer (3)

I don’t know if you do this here in India but in America very often in church services the pastor will tell people to go give somebody a hug and tell them you love them with the love of the lord. Do you do that here? To tell you the truth I got really tired of hearing that because it can be so phony. Oh, I love you with the love of the lord. And yet if you’re hungry, will I feed you? If you need somebody to pick you up for church will I go out of my way to pick you up? If you’ve had misfortune and you can’t pay your rent that month, will I help you? It’s amazing how many things we pray for God to do that he wants to do through us. Recently I heard about a friend of mine who had a serious situation and I started praying for God to help her. God stopped me and said: ask me to show you how you can help her. The reason why people are unhappy is because they’re not doing anything to help somebody else. I want to take a moment and let me try to share something with you. I just feel that this needs to be said.

We go to a lot of nations around the world that have been historically needy. Of course in every nation not everybody is needy but in India you probably have as many needy people or more than any nation in the world — hungry people, homeless people, orphans and widows with nobody to care about them. People come and they try to help you and help those people. I share this in other nations so I’m not just saying this to you. You have to be careful that you don’t just get a mindset where you’re always looking for somebody outside to come and give you what you need. We love to come and help you but we want to teach you how to help one another. We want those of you who can to get stirred up about helping people who are less fortunate than you are. No matter how young you are or how old you are, no matter how rich or how poor, everyone has something to give.

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